Nutrition Services
Better Health through Better Eating
Do you want to learn more about managing chronic health conditions such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and high cholesterol? Want to learn more about preparing more nourishing food choices? The registered dietitian nutritionists at Hammond-Henry Hospital are here to help guide you to a happier, healthier lifestyle!
Here's to Your Health Interview on Nutrition
As food and nutrition experts, our registered dietitian nutritionists are passionate about using their expertise to help patients make positive lifestyle choices with healthy recipes and cooking demonstrations. Some of the services our dietitians provide around the community include:
- Providing outpatient counseling for patients with diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions
- Offering counseling services for individuals simply wanting to improve their general health and well-being
- Teaching nutrition classes in Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab
- Demonstrating healthy cooking techniques at the food pantry and other community events
- Working in the Hammond-Henry kitchen to ensure patients and residents receive healthy, balanced meals
Talk to your primary care provider about a referral for nutrition services or call (309) 944-9118 for more information about Hammond-Henry Nutrition Services. We’re here to help you!