What kind of events are held by the Foundation?
If you are looking for something to do, there is always something happening with the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation. We enjoy bringing the community together with events that are not only a good time but also benefit the Hospital by raising funds for a department need.
Celebrity Dinner – Held each spring, this themed evening is held at The Cellar restaurant and tables are waited on by local “celebrities”. The evening includes appetizers, dinner, desserts, and concludes with a live auction. Each year, we raise funds for a hospital need. Over the last 20 years, over $716,000 has been raised to support the hospital.
Golf Outing – Held in early fall, this premier golf outing is sure to please any golfer. This 18-hole best-ball tournament is held on a local golf course. Foursomes compete for a trophy in 3 categories (High Gross Men, High Gross Women and High Gross Mixed). Lunch before play and a meal after play are included. Amongst the fun, we also raise funds for a hospital need. Over the last 18 years, $206,000 has been raised from this fun event.
Bus Trips – We hit the road a few times a year to see the Chicago Cubs or Broadway Musicals. These day-trips are a time to connect with members of our community. A light-hearted day, these trips bring fellowship and fun for all that attend.
Estate Planning – Each year a local attorney gives a presentation over lunch on estate planning. This is a good time to learn about these difficult topics as this is an informational meeting – no cost or obligation. For more information about estate planning click here.
Topics include:
- Trusts/Wills/Powers of Attorney
- Estate Tax
- Leave-A-Legacy – Family/Charities
- Transfer of Wealth
- Farm Succession Planning
Health Series – Various health topics are presented from a variety of local speakers. Women’s Health Series meets the last Thursday of the month (September-May except for December) at the First Baptist Church for lunch. Men’s Health Series meets four times a year on designated Wednesday mornings at the hospital.
Employee Campaign – Funds are raised by over 250 Hammond-Henry Hospital Employees to fund projects that enhance work environments. Over the past year, employee donors have raised over $33,000. And at the recent employee contribution drive, over $35,000 was pledged for the next year. These funds have purchased many items for various hospital departments. This participation shows how truly dedicated the employees of Hammond-Henry Hospital are.