Time with our donors is time well spent


What kind of events are held by the Foundation?

If you are looking for something to do, there is always something happening with the Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation.  We enjoy bringing the community together with events that are not only a good time but also benefit the Hospital by raising funds for a department need. 

Celebrity Dinner – Held each spring, this themed evening is held at The Cellar restaurant and tables are waited on by local “celebrities”.  The evening includes appetizers, dinner, desserts, and concludes with a live auction.  Each year, we raise funds for a hospital need.  Over the last 20 years, over $716,000 has been raised to support the hospital.

Golf Outing – Held in early fall, this premier golf outing is sure to please any golfer.  This 18-hole best-ball tournament is held on a local golf course.  Foursomes compete for a trophy in 3 categories (High Gross Men, High Gross Women and High Gross Mixed).  Lunch before play and a meal after play are included.  Amongst the fun, we also raise funds for a hospital need.  Over the last 18 years, $206,000 has been raised from this fun event. 

Bus Trips – We hit the road a few times a year to see the Chicago Cubs or Broadway Musicals.  These day-trips are a time to connect with members of our community.  A light-hearted day, these trips bring fellowship and fun for all that attend.

Estate Planning – Each year a local attorney gives a presentation over lunch on estate planning. This is a good time to learn about these difficult topics as this is an informational meeting – no cost or obligation.  For more information about estate planning click here.

Topics include:

  • Trusts/Wills/Powers of Attorney
  • Estate Tax
  • Leave-A-Legacy – Family/Charities
  • Transfer of Wealth
  • Farm Succession Planning

Health Series Various health topics are presented from a variety of local speakers.  Women’s Health Series meets the last Thursday of the month (September-May except for December) at the First Baptist Church for lunch.  Men’s Health Series meets four times a year on designated Wednesday mornings at the hospital.

Employee Campaign – Funds are raised by over 250 Hammond-Henry Hospital Employees to fund projects that enhance work environments.  Over the past year, employee donors have raised over $33,000. And at the recent employee contribution drive, over $35,000 was pledged for the next year. These funds have purchased many items for various hospital departments.  This participation shows how truly dedicated the employees of Hammond-Henry Hospital are.